
jetzt live:

Aktueller Musiktitel:

Muel (D/Ö)

With a wild mix of Avant-garde, Ambient, Jazz, Folk and Noise we‘ll take you on an internal journey.

From the most stripped back passages of two acoustic guitars, in- teracting, almost talking with each other, to vibrating crescendos. The sonic foun- dation is laid down by the two guitarists Samuel Williams and Anderson Klaue. Til van der Vloedt opens up another dimension with his dynamic excentric playing style. Johann „Eddie“ Seidel builds on this foundation with unusual animalistic soundscapes on his trumpet that leave the listeners and his own head near exploding. And the cherry on top, singer Deniz Aural hits you with a breathy, falscetto and intimate voice right in the heart.
Putting a label on our music is difficult.

21. Februar 2024 20:00 Uhr

Cafe Wolf Graz, Graz