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Tex Perkins & The Fat Rubber Band (AUS)

Australischer Singer-Songwriter, der Frontmann der australischen Rockband The Cruel Sea war.

The name Tex Perkins is renowned in the Australian music industry and internationally, having played a key role in seminal bands like the Beasts Of Bourbon and The Cruel Sea and many other notable acts.

It’s understandably difficult to pull together a coherent picture of a man whose career has taken in everything from the ground-breaking experimental punktonica of Sydney mid-80s noiseniks Thug to the lilting, dark country of his material with the Dark Horses.

European fans would be aware of the hard edged driving rock of the Beasts Of Bourbon’s, a snarling slice of filthy pub rock and also the evocative soundscapes of The Cruel Sea, whose extraordinary 1991 single ‘This Is Not The Way Home’ placed Perkins’ world-weary growl in a new musical context and heralded the emergence of an entirely original yet
archetypically Australian sound.

14. Mai 2023 20:00 Uhr


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