Electropunk Night
Electropunk Night feat. IOCI (D) und St. Peter's Murder (I).
St Peter's Murder is an Italian electropunk project which began in 2015. Its sound is a mix of different styles, primarily punk rock, drum'n'bass, industrial, and IDM. Each live act features a strobe light-drenched structure. Main influences: Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Pixies, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Deftones, Aphex Twin, Noisia.
St Peter's Murder is an Italian electropunk project which began in 2015. Its sound is a mix of different styles, primarily punk rock, drum'n'bass, industrial, and IDM. Each live act features a strobe light-drenched structure. Main influences: Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Pixies, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Deftones, Aphex Twin, Noisia.
18. März 2023 20:00 Uhr
Ehemaliger besetzter Schlachthof. Durch Umbau wurden kleine und große Halle, sowie Open Air Bühne erweitert. Viele Live-Konzerte und Filmvorführungen im Sommer. DJ-Lines auch im Arena Beisl.
Baumgasse 80, 1030 Wien