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Negative Plane (USA), Hagzissa (Ö), Serpere (Ö)

Negative Plane is a New York-based black metal band known for their unique blend of raw, aggressive sounds and eerie, otherworldly atmospheres.

Formed in 2001, the band quickly gained recognition within the underground metal scene for their dark, ritualistic approach to black metal, live and on record. Their music pushes the genre’s
boundaries by fusing elements of traditional metal, progressive rock, and psychedelic influences, all while maintaining an occult, mysterious aura.

8. April 2025 20:00 Uhr

Viper Room

Die "schwarze" Club-Disco in Wien. Konzerte, DJ-Lines und Clubbings von der düsteren Seite. Früher wurde die Location unter dem Namen "Monastery" geführt.

Landstraßer Hauptstraße 38, 1030 Wien